Herbs In Vietnam

Herb is one of the most important things to describe completely about Vietnamese food. The textures, flavors, scents and overall freshness make the speciality of these herbs. If you are eating a Vietnamese meal, there will be small herb strips elegantly laced in your dish. The overall health benefits, garden jewels and beautiful visual displays of these herbs make them that much more appealing outside of the kitchen and dinner table. This is also the main ingredient for Vietnamese herbal tea that is very healthy.

The Traditional Medicine With Herbs

In Vietnam, medical doctors have used herbs from the founding of the country with two kinds of medicines: Northern medicine and Southern medicinal. They use herbs as national herbs, in traditional herbal remedies, from experience through many generations. In addition, historical doctors like Tue Tinh, Hai Thuong Lan Ong have left valuable traditional medicines. Tue Tinh wrote “Nam Nam Thần Tiết” in the 17th century. The book also lists over 500 herbal and animal medicines. He cured according to the motto “Vietnamese herbs cure Vietnamese people”

Herb Growing

The growing edible herbs are gratifying. Not only will you have access to fresh herbs for your dishes, but these beautiful displays in both your house and garden are spectacular. Unfortunately, not all gardens are capable of growing these Vietnames herbs due to weather limitations. Herbs tend to do best in sunny, warm and mild climates. For those colder areas with a shorter warm season, they can still be cultivated but for a shorter period of time. These herbs can be sown by seed or planted by purchase of the herb plants themselves or through propagation from existing plant stems.

Special Vietnamese Herb

Many herbs not only enhance your home or are used for spices but also have the effect of healing and enhancing health.

1. Peppermint

Peppermint is a popular herb. Mint leaves can help reduce wheezing, asthma and laryngitis. It also helps relieve dysmenorrhea and diuretic.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a very good herb. You can eat garlics daily or use as a medication. Garlic helps support the immune system due to its natural disinfectants. Eating garlic regularly helps prevent coughs and colds. It also works against sinusitis. If you have fungal skin infections, fresh garlic juice is a natural and effective remedy.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant in the tropics. Gel from Aloe vera can soothe burns and soften skin. If you have gum disease and toothache, mouthwash from aloe leaves will also help you. In addition, aloe also have the effect of curing constipation.

4. Ginger

This is a popular spice in many dishes. It also helps prevent nausea and protect the stomach, against ulcers.

5. Lavender

Lavender is effective in treating bites, burns and wounds. A few drops of lavender oil on the pillow can promote deep sleep. Lavender herbal tea also helps you to relieve stress.